At about roughly 10:15 p.m. Pacific Time I walked outside on my porch to have a smoke and was looking at the stars, which is something I do nightly, when I noticed what I first thought was a commercial airliner. As I watched I kept waiting for it to move and/or change course as they do as they fly over and near to my house. It was pulsating red, blue, and seemed as though it had a continuous white light.It never moved. Or at least it looked VERY stationary. I could see it between two of my neighbors houses directly behind me to the West. I continued to watch for approximately 10 minutes when I decided to go inside to get my binoculars. I came back outside and it was still in the same spot.I looked through the binoculars, (a very inexpensive set of Vivitar 7X50 297ft. at 1000 yards with coated optics), and could see the pulsating red, blue lights and again, what seemed like a continuous white light.The white light could have been pulsating too, but it seemed as though it was not. I couldn't hold the binoculars still enough so I moved further back on my porch to one of the posts for the roof on the porch and steadied the binoculars against the post and just watched. As I was watching it I also noticed two other small lights that were close together, but to the lower right of the pulsating reb/blue orb, but they were at a downward angle, like this, /. They were also pulsating back and forth to each other. They seemed much further away from me as well as from the other larger orb.I watched for a few more minutes and then decided to come inside to get on my computer to check the Mufon site for any recent sightings and descriptions in this area. I also wanted to see if I could figure out if it was a star, but I don't know the latitude/longitude. I was on my computer for about 10 minutes before going back outside to see if it was still there.It was. But the two smaller lights were gone. I then called a friend of mine and his wife who are both interested in UFO's. He handed the phone to his wife and I began giving her a description of what I was seeing. They live in Bellevue. She went out onto her deck/patio to look in my direction to see if she could possibly see anything from her location. She said she could see a plane flying in my direction so I watched for the same plane and when it was within a count of 5 I counted down to one until it was directly "over" the orb so she could tell where I was looking. She said she could see it and that it was indeed pulsating red/blue/white.As I was chatting with her about this object and helping her to find it in the sky, I looked back to the object and it had moved enough that I had to walk out into my driveway to the back of my car in order to see it.It had moved North and West. While talking to her and looking through the binoculars, I kept having to take a step or two backwards every few minutes in order to be able to see it. I walked backwards far enough that I ended up crossing the sidewalk in front of my house and stepped into the street. It took about 10 minutes to get from the rear of my car to the street. By this point I could no longer move back without standing in the middle of my street, which is a busy road and there's a streetlight which made my viewing difficult. I continued talking to my friend on the phone about this possible sighting for about another 5 minutes, went back inside my house to set the binoculars down and went back outside. We talked a few more minutes and I wandered back to the driveway to see if the orb had returned or moved into sight again. I didn't see it at first, but when I began to walk back to the porch I spotted it. It had moved South. My neighbors house behind me is a 2 story with a small 3rd story addition which has a covered deck/porch. I spotted the orb through their 3rd story porch. I ran back inside and grabbed the binoculars again.I watched it move VERY slowly to the South for about 5 more minutes until I couldn't see it because of trees and houses.This orb/object pulsated red/blue/white the entire time, which is what made me, at first, think it was a commercial airliner. It seemed to be stationary for a VERY long time, roughly 20 minutes or more. When it DID move, it moved VERY slowly. It first went North and West and then South before I couldn't see it anymore.It looked like it was probably over the Puget Sound.I will be watching for it every time I go outside now.I also noticed that someone else posted a sighting of a red/blue/white pulsating object in Arlington, Wa. not too long ago. I wonder if I observed the same object?I'm anxious to know what I was seeing and anxious to see it again.I wanted to get in the car and drive in that direction for higher ground with less light, but my camera is broken and I know cell phone cameras don't work well with distant objects especially at night.I will definitely keep my eyes to skies and will report any further sightings.